Tuesday, 8 April 2014

The Most Frustrating Form of Advertising

When you start your Online Marketing Career, you're normally looking for ways to supplement your income, broke or close to broke, so what is the first thing you do? You go for free advertising. Most of the more experienced marketers are probably smiling now.

Yes, I did it myself. 

Traffic Exchanges looked so attractive. The more you surf other members' sites, the more they surf yours. I guess, if you surf for 10 hours straight, you could do 1000 hits. I was amazed at all the moneymaking opportunities on these exchanges and I bookmarked plenty of them so I could join later, after I made money from my own product, which never happened.

I sat in my chair for days exchanging and using up all my bandwidth. I even joined several Exchanges and sometimes opened 8 different exchanges on separate tabs, so I could jump from tab to tab and just press next after the allotted viewing time was completed. Thus, increasing my hit rate by eight and ignoring the content of my fellow members' ads.

I believe that people on traffic exchanges are sellers more than they are buyers. Someone call these people, "free-be seekers", but I don't agree completely. My reason was that I had no cash to waste. I knew that Solo Ads was the way to go, but there wasn't cash for expensive advertising. I wanted to build up my cash flow first and then go for the bigger guns.

I went back to one of my favorite Exchanges, just before writing this article and would you believe it, plenty of the same faces, doing 1000+ hits per day. The highest was just over 2300 hits.

My personal feeling is that you may get results with traffic exchanges, but it's time consuming and time, to me, is more valuable than money.

I give Traffic Exchanges a 1 out of 10.

Let me know about your experience in this regard.

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