Thursday, 17 April 2014

Can You make a Living with Online Gambling?

There are people who claim that they make $500 per day with Online Casino's. I have never personally met or spoke to these people. In fact, I was introduced to Online Casino's through a Facebook Ad, where the advertiser claimed that you could make these amounts of money.

As you know me by now, I was very intrigued, but very careful. You know the saying: "When it's to good to be true... " I never liked gambling that much to start with, because the odds are stacked heavily against you. I'm 42 and can't think that I have spent more than $200 on gambling, in my entire life.

I was hoping that just maybe the online part could be different and the advertiser somehow knew that. In Casino's, you are not allowed to double up your bet, but with online gambling, you can get away with it, if you are careful, according to this person.

For those of you who don't know what "double up" means; let me explain. Say for instants you play Roulette. On the table, you can choose between black or red. If you choose black and the ball lands on a number with a black background, you get your money back, plus the same amount from the dealer. Obviously if it lands on red, you loose your money. If you just play black and red, the odds of winning or losing big is small.

Double up is a mathematical system that guaranties a win. If you play $1 on red, but the ball lands on black, you loose $1 and must now bet $2 on red again. If it lands on black, you loose your $2 ($3 in total) and must now bet $4 on red again. The odds of the ball landing on black again are getting smaller and smaller. Very soon it's got to fall on red. You just got to continue doubling up, until you win. Say the next ball falls on red. You win $4 and make a profit of $1 after 3 rounds.

The advertiser, advise that, for the casino's not get suspicious, you must play other games, like Black Jack and Poker, as well, so to lose some money and not to draw attention.

Like I said, I decided to do my due diligence before making my "first million". I opened an excel sheet and worked out the odds of getting one color streaks. For example: What's the odds of getting 6 reds in a row? I did this, because if you double up your money, you soon get to huge amounts. If you start with 1 and double up, this is what you get. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096,... If you only got $250 to play with a 9 streak would be detrimental.

Fortunately for me, these casino's have practice tables. I tested my streak theory and it's odds. My theory calculated that 1 in every 512 rounds there would be a 9 streak. I tested my theories over 1000 rounds and would you believe it, I got the 9+ steak 5 times, making my odds even worse.

These online casino's have a placing limit of approximately $1000 so I could only double up to 9 times. Needless to say, I didn't make any money with the practice tables. In fact, I lost quite a bit and wasted hours of my time. Investing money wasn't going to change the odds. So I decided to look elsewhere for a online income. (See my next article)

I rate Online Gambling 1 out of 10, because you will eventually loose your money and a recurring monthly income is impossible. If you differ, don't be shy. I would love to hear your side of this review.

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